Move notations will be shown here.
Cube Solved!!
00hr 00min 00s 00ms
Play with the cube

2x2 Rubik's Solver App
Welcome to the 2x2 Rubik's Solver App! This app is designed to help you solve your 2x2 Rubik's Cube quickly and easily. With the app's intuitive interface, you can tap the colors on the virtual cube to match your physical Rubik's Cube, and the app will generate a step-by-step solution for you to follow. Follow these simple instructions to use the app effectively:
Step 1: Starting the app
1. Open the app.
2. Swipe from right to left to start the app.
Step 2: Select 2x2 Cube Mode
Upon launching the app, you will be presented with the main screen.
Look for an option to select the cube size, and choose "2x2" to indicate
hat you are solving a 2x2 Rubik's Cube.
Step 3: Inputting Your Cube
1. Hold your 2x2 Rubik's Cube in a way that one face is facing you, and the center color of that face is the same color as the center sticker on the Rubik's Cube.
2. You will see a virtual representation of a 2x2 Rubik's Cube on the screen, divided into 4 squares for each face.
3. Tap on each color in chronological order based on your cube one by one to input the color of the corresponding sticker on your physical cube matching the colors to the physical cube's configuration. Start with one face and then rotate the cube from right to left..
4. Repeat this process for all four faces of the 2x2 Rubik's Cube.
Step 4: Solving the Cube
1. After you have inputted all the colors of your 2x2 Rubik's Cube, tap the "Solve"button located on the app's interface.
2. The 2x2 Rubik's Solver App will now process the input and generate a step-by-step solution for solving your cube.
Step 5: Follow the Moves
The app's solution will display a sequence of moves that you should follow to solve your 2x2 Rubik's Cube.
Each move will be represented by a notation. Carefully follow the moves shown on the app's screen.
Execute each move on your physical 2x2 Rubik's Cube as instructed by the app.
It is essential to perform the moves accurately to achieve the correct solution.
Step 6: Resetting the Cube
If you make a mistake or want to start over, the app may have a "Reset" button or option.
This will clear the colors you input and allow you to re-enter them or start with a different configuration.
Congratulations! You should now be ready to solve your 2x2 Rubik's Cube using the 2x2 Rubik's Solver App. Enjoy the solving process and challenge yourself to improve your solving time with practice. If you have any questions or need further assistance, don't forget to check the Feedback section within the app. Happy cubing!